This is the listing at the UK App Store:

Click = big
In this not-so-charming little game, one of the things to do is shoot nurses in the face:

Don't look for it in the American App Store. I already did. It's not there.
That raises several questions:
1) Was it rejected for inclusion in the American App Store?
1a) If so, how can Apple approve it for the UK App Store?
2) If it's still pending approval for the American App Store, will it now get it?
3) How is shooting a nurse in the face not worse than using "objectionable" language?
4) If an argument is made that the nurse is "imaginary," guess what? So are the characters in an eBook!
5) Is provoking people to actively shoot nurses in the face better than passively reading, say, the word fuck in an eBook?
6) Does Apple at this point have any leg to stand on in terms of defining what's "objectionable" and what's not?
7) How can Apple claim a moral high ground in terms of eBooks when it continues to make epic profits from music and movies that are far worse than language in eBooks?
8) When will Apple stop making itself a hypocritical laughingstock?
Silent Hill on App Store
Previously here:
God Bless Writer Derek Raymond
How Many Of THESE eBooks Will Apple Ban?
Apple Bans ANOTHER Book From App Store!
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